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The Worldbuilding section of the library contains lore, maps, character files, and other miscellaneous information about the worlds depicted in my short stories.


For now, pages are listed individually, but in time you can expect further categories to be added to aid in navigating this section of the library.


An insight into the conceptual design of the Kingdom of Ancett, featuring two maps charting its developmental progress


An insight into the conceptual design of the Kingdom of Ancett, featuring two maps charting its developmental progress

From hasty sketch to fully-fledged Kingdom - how Ancett grew into a nation and took its place in a larger fantasy universe


Before the story can start, the fundamental laws of its setting need to be laid out. For Ancett, that meant a lot of magical theory!

A first look at the pantheon of gods worshipped by the people of Ancett and wider lands, and how they came to be


An insight into the  process of creating a traditional tale

within a fictional universe

Facts, figures, and insider information about Ancett's fledgeling knight: a man destined for greatness.


A look behind the scenes at the birth and evolution of the 

fiercely proud nation of Cyran, featuring developmental maps

Introducing a genre-spanning, convention testing fantasy series which comes pre-loaded with all my favourite challenges

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